K : Excuse me. Could you please help me?
B : Sure. What can I do for you?
K : I can't find my baggage anywhere.
B : Which flight did you come in on, sir?
K : on 436 from Manchester.
B : Your baggage should have come through carousel 7. Have you checked?
K : Yes, but my baggage didn't come out.
B : I'll see what I can do, sir. one moment, please.
K : Excuse me. Could you please help me?
B : Sure. What can I do for you?
K : I can't find my baggage anywhere.
B : Which flight did you come in on, sir?
K : on 436 from Manchester.
K : 실례합니다. 좀 도와 주시겠어요?
B : 물론이죠. 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
K : 제 짐을 어디서도 찾을 수가 없군요.
B : 어느 비행편으로 들어오셨습니까, 손님?
K : Manchester발 436편요.
▶ I can't find my baggage 대신 My baggage is missing이라고 할 수 있습니다. baggage는 단수취급하기 때문에 단수동사 is를 사용했지만 두 개 이상의 bag이라면 My bags are missing이 되죠.
My baggage is missing.
My bags are missing.
▶ missing (a) (있어야 할 곳에) 없는, 보이지 않는, 행방 불명의
▶ Which flight did you come in on, sir?에서 come in 뒤에 on이 들어가는 이유를 살펴볼까요. 글번호 1번 문장들 중에서 I have a reservation on a flight to Las Vegas가 있었죠. flight 앞에는 전치사 on이 필요합니다. 위 문장에서 436은 flight number를 말하는 것이기 때문에 436 앞에 on이 들어갔습니다. Manchester발 436편으로 들어왔다는 문장을 만들면
I came in on 436 from Manchester. ⇒ 436 앞에 flight을 넣어도 됩니다.
I came in on flight 436 from Manchester. ⇒ 이 문장의 주어를 you로 바꾸어서 일반의문문으로 만들면
Did you come in on (flight) 436 from Manchester? ⇒ 여기서 (flight) 436 from Manchester를 빼고 which flight을 의문사로 내세워 의문사의문문을 만들면
Which flight did you come in on?이 남습니다. 어렵지 않죠?
B : Your baggage should have come through carousel 7. Have you checked?
K : Yes, but my baggage didn't come out.
B : I'll see what I can do, sir. one moment, please.
B : 손님 짐은 7번 컨베이어로 나왔어야 되는데요. 확인해 보셨습니까?
K : 네, 하지만 짐이 나오지 않았어요.
B : 최선을 다해볼테니 잠시만 기다리십시오.
▶ should have p.p. : ~ 했어야 했다
You should have studied. "넌 공부를 했어야 했다."
You shouldn't have told him. "넌 그에게 말하지 말았어야 했다."
▶ through ... 통해서
▶ carousel = carrousel [
] 수화물 찾는 컨베이어
★ carousel - a circular moving belt on which bags, cases, etc., from a plane are placed for collection by passengers
▶ circular [
] 원형의, 둥근, 빙글빙글 도는, 순환의
▶ see 조처하다
▶ I'll see what I can do에서 what은 all that을 의미하므로 "제가 할 수 있는 모든 조치를 취하겠습니다"라는 말이 됩니다.
K : Excuse me. Could you please help me?
B : Sure. What can I do for you?
K : I can't find my baggage anywhere.
B : Which flight did you come in on, sir?
K : on 436 from Manchester.
B : Your baggage should have come through carousel 7. Have you checked?
K : Yes, but my baggage didn't come out.
B : I'll see what I can do, sir. one moment, please.
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