영어 학습/여행 영어 회화

Where is the nearest pay phone?

Jean2 2010. 1. 29. 13:12

K : Where is the nearest pay phone?

A : Go straight down this corridor and you'll see it on your left.

K : Thank you very much.

A : No problem.


K : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to use this pay phone?

B : Sure. First lift the receiver and wait for the dial tone. Then put in the money and dial the number.





K : Where is the nearest pay phone?

A : Go straight down this corridor and you'll see it on your left.

K : Thank you very much.

A : No problem.



K : 가장 가까운 공중전화가 어디에 있죠?

A : 이 복도를 똑바로 내려가시면 왼쪽에 보일 겁니다.

K : 대단히 감사합니다.

A : 천만에요.



▶ nearest 가장 가까운 ⇒ near의 최상급

▶ pay phone 공중전화 ⇒ public phone이라고 하지 않습니다.

▶ corridor [ ] 복도



K : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to use this pay phone?

B : Sure. First lift the receiver and wait for the dial tone. Then put in the money and dial the number.



K : 실례합니다. 이 공중전화기 사용법을 알려주시겠어요?

B : 그러죠. 먼저 수화기를 드시고 발신음을 기다리세요. 그리고 나서 돈을 넣으시고 번호를 누르세요.



▶ lift (vt) 들다, 들어 올리다

▶ dial tone 발신음 ⇒ dialling tone (영국)

▶ dial (n) 번호판 (vt) 번호를 돌리다[누르다], 전화를 걸다





K : Where is the nearest pay phone?

A : Go straight down this corridor and you'll see it on your left.

K : Thank you very much.

A : No problem.


K : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to use this pay phone?

B : Sure. First lift the receiver and wait for the dial tone. Then put in the money and dial the number.





여행영어 14.mp3