영어 학습/여행 영어 회화

How long will you be in the Philippines?

Jean2 2010. 3. 27. 12:58


: How long will you be in the Philippines?
K : A week.
I  : What's the purpose of your visit?
K : on business.
I  : Where will you be staying?
K : Holiday Inn Hotel.
I  : OK. Enjoy your stay.


K : My name is Jean Cheon. I believe I have a reservation.
H : That's C-H-E-O-N, sir?
K : That's it.
H : We have a VIP room reserved for you through 7th. Would you fill this out, please?
K : Certainly.




: How long will you be in the Philippines?
K : A week.


▶ be = stay

▶ 복수국가명 앞에는 정관사 the를 붙입니다. the Philippines, the United States


: 필리핀에는 얼마나 체류하실 건가요?

K : 일주일요.

I  : What's the purpose of your visit?
K : on business.


I  : 방문 목적은요?

K : 사업차 왔습니다.

I  : Where will you be staying?
K : Holiday Inn Hotel.
I  : OK. Enjoy your stay.


: 어디에 머무르실 건가요?

K : 할러데이 인 호텔요.

: 알겠습니다. 즐겁게 체류하세요.


K : My name is Jean Cheon. I believe I have a reservation.
H : That's C-H-E-O-N, sir?
K : That's it.


K : 제 이름은 진 천인데요, 예약이 되어 있는 걸로 알고 있습니다.

H : C-H-E-O-N인가요, 손님?

K : 그렇습니다.

H : We have a VIP room reserved for you through 7th. Would you fill this out, please?
K : Certainly.

▶ reserve (vt) 예약하다

▶ reserved 예약된

▶ fill out (서식·문서 등의) 빈 곳을 채우다, ┅에 써 넣다.


H : 7일까지 손님께 VIP 실이 예약되어 있군요. 이 양식에 기재해 주시겠습니까?

K : 그러죠.




: How long will you be in the Philippines?
K : A week.
I  : What's the purpose of your visit?
K : on business.
I  : Where will you be staying?
K : Holiday Inn Hotel.
I  : OK. Enjoy your stay.


K : My name is Jean Cheon. I believe I have a reservation.
H : That's C-H-E-O-N, sir?
K : That's it.
H : We have a VIP room reserved for you through 7th. Would you fill this out, please?
K : Certainly.







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