영어 학습/여행 영어 회화

I'd like to make a reservation.

Jean2 2010. 4. 2. 11:53


H : Holiday Inn Hotel. How may I help you?

K : Hello. I'd like to make a reservation.

H : When would you like the room, sir?

K : For September 15th through 17th.

H : Would you like a single room or a double room?

K : Do you have any twin rooms available?

H : Yes, we do.

K : How much do you charge for a twin room?

H : For a twin room we charge 90 dollars.

K : That's more expensive than I expected. Is there any way to give me a better rate than that?

H : We're sorry, but for busy season that's the best rate we can give.

K : Oh, all right. I guess I don't have any other choice. I'll get it.




H : Holiday Inn Hotel. How may I help you?

K : Hello. I'd like to make a reservation.


▶ make a reservation 예약하다 ⇒ reserve a room이라고 말할 수 있습니다. 이미 예약이 되어 있을 때는 have a reservation을 씁니다.


H : 할러데이 인 호텔입니다. 어떻게 도와들릴까요?

K : 여보세요. 예약을 하고 싶은데요.


H : When would you like the room, sir?

K : For September 15th through 17th.


▶ When would you like the room? 대신 When would you need the room? 또는 When will it be for?라고도 말할 수 있습니다.

▶ For September 15th through 17th : 9월 15일부터 17일까지 ⇒ 또는 from September 15th to 17th


H : 방이 언제 필요하시죠, 손님?

K : 9월 15일부터 17일까지요.


H : Would you like a single room or a double room?

K : Do you have any twin rooms available?

H : Yes, we do.


▶ available 이용 가능한 : 후치형용사라 명사 뒤에 위치합니다.


H : 싱글 룸을 원하세요, 더블 룸을 원하세요?

K : 트윈 룸도 있나요?

H : 네, 있습니다.


K : How much do you charge for a twin room?

H : For a twin room we charge 90 dollars.


▶ charge 값을 매기다, 청구하다


K : 트윈 룸은 얼마죠?

H : 트윈 룸은 90달러입니다.


K : That's more expensive than I expected. Is there any way to give me a better rate than that?

H : We're sorry, but for busy season that's the best rate we can give.

K : Oh, all right. I guess I don't have any other choice. I'll get it.


▶ expect 예상하다, 기대하다

▶ Is there any way to give me a better rate than that?에서 to give me a better rate than that은 way를 수식하는 to 부정사의 형용사적 용법. 직역하면 "그것보다 더 좋은 가격을 제게 줄 수 있는 방법은 없나요?"

▶ busy season = high season = peak season 성수기 ⇔ off season = low season 비수기

▶ that's the best rate we can give에서 we can give는 the best rate를 수식하는 형용사절. "우리가 줄 수 있는 최선의 가격"

▶ I'll get it. ⇒ 만능동사 get의 해석은 무한대입니다. 여기서는 "예약하겠습니다."


K : 제가 예상했던 거보다 비싼데요. 좀 싸게 주실 수는 없나요?

H : 죄송합니다만, 성수기에는 그게 저희가 드릴 수 있는 가장 좋은 가격이랍니다.

K : 알겠습니다. 선택의 여지가 없는 것 같군요. 예약하겠습니다.




H : Holiday Inn Hotel. How may I help you?

K : Hello. I'd like to make a reservation.

H : When would you like the room, sir?

K : For September 15th through 17th.

H : Would you like a single room or a double room?

K : Do you have any twin rooms available?

H : Yes, we do.

K : How much do you charge for a twin room?

H : For a twin room we charge 90 dollars.

K : That's more expensive than I expected. Is there any way to give me a better rate than that?

H : We're sorry, but for busy season that's the best rate we can give.

K : Oh, all right. I guess I don't have any other choice. I'll get it.






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