영어 학습/여행 영어 회화

[스크랩] I`d like to reconfirm.

Jean2 2009. 12. 27. 16:47


A : This is America West Airlines. How may I help you?

K : I have a reservation on a flight to Tokyo tomorrow morning, and I'd like to reconfirm!.


A : Certainly, let me have your name and flight number, please.

K : This is Gin Kim, and my flight number is N909AW.


A : G as in Gin and Tonic?

K : You got it.


A : OK, Mr. Kim, your flight to Tokyo is reconfirm!ed for tomorrow morning, departing at 9:20.

K : Thanks a lot. Have a good one.

A : Thank you very much. The same to you!




A : This is America West Airlines. How may I help you?

K : I have a reservation on a flight to Tokyo tomorrow morning, and I'd like to reconfirm!.



A : America West 항공입니다. 어떻게 도와드릴까요?

K : 내일 아침 Tokyo행 비행편을 예약해 놓았는데요 재확인하고 싶어요.



▶ reconfirm! (vt) 재확인하다, 예약을 재확인하다(= dóuble-chéck) ⇒ I'd like to reconfirm! 대신 I'd like to double-check이라고 말할 수 있습니다.



A : Certainly, let me have your name and flight number, please.

K : This is Gin Kim, and my flight number is N909AW.



A : 그러시죠. 성함과 비행편 번호를 말씀해 주세요.

K : 김진이고요, N909AW입니다.



▶ let 目 do[원형동사] : 목적어가 원형동사하게 해달라


Let me go. "저를 보내주세요." ⇒ 직역 : 나를 가게 해달라.

Let me know your name. "제게 당신의 이름을 알려주세요."



A : G as in Gin and Tonic?

K : You got it.



A : Gin and Tonic의 G인가요?

K : 그렇습니다.



▶ Gin [진]과 Jin [진]의 발음이 같기 때문에 as in 이하의 G인지 묻고 있습니다.

▶ 만능동사 get을 사용해서 You got it이라고 하면 그때 그때의 상황에 따라서 해석이 무한대로 나올 수 있습니다. ⇒ 여기서는 That's right



A : OK, Mr. Kim, your flight to Tokyo is reconfirm!ed for tomorrow morning, departing at 9:20.

K : Thanks a lot. Have a good one.

A : Thank you very much. The same to you!



A : 네, Mr. Kim, 내일 아침 9시 20분에 출발하는 Tokyo행 비행편이 재확인되었습니다.

K : 대단히 감사합니다. 좋은 하루 보내세요.

A : 대단히 감사합니다. 선생님도요!



▶ Have a good one은 Have a good morning, Have a good afternoon, Have a good evening, Have a good day 등을 모두 포함하는 포괄적인 표현이기 때문에 아무 때나 사용할 수 있는 좋은 표현입니다.

▶ The same to you! 당신도요!




A : This is America West Airlines. How may I help you?

K : I have a reservation on a flight to Tokyo tomorrow morning, and I'd like to reconfirm!.


A : Certainly, let me have your name and flight number, please.

K : This is Gin Kim, and my flight number is N909AW.


A : G as in Gin and Tonic?

K : You got it.


A : OK, Mr. Kim, your flight to Tokyo is reconfirm!ed for tomorrow morning, departing at 9:20.

K : Thanks a lot. Have a good one.

A : Thank you very much. The same to you!




첨부파일 여행영어2.mp3



출처 : 아름다운 세상을 꿈꾸는 카페 2
글쓴이 : Jean 원글보기
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