영어 학습/여행 영어 회화

Go down two blocks, and turn right.

Jean2 2010. 8. 27. 12:12


W : Excuse me.

M : Yes?

W : Could you tell me how to get to The Jean & June Hotel?

M : Let me see... Go down two blocks, and turn right. Then, go down King Street, and take the second left. It's on the left, next to The Home Plus.

W : So, I go down two blocks, turn right, go down King Street, and then take the second left. It's on the left.

M : That's right.

W : Thank you very much.

M : You're very welcome.



▶ block [blak] <미국> (시가의 도로로 둘러싸인) 한 구획 <영국> (한채의) 대(大)건축물(아파트ㆍ상점을 포함)



W : 실례합니다.

M : 네?

W : Jean & June 호텔에 어떻게 가는지 말씀해주시겠어요?

M : 어디 봅시다. 두 블락을 내려가신 다음 오른쪽으로 도세요. 그리고서 King Street로 가시고 두 번째 모퉁이에서 왼쪽으로 도세요. 왼쪽에 있습니다. 홈플러스 옆에요.

W : 그러니까, 두 블락을 내려가서, 우회전하고, King Street로 가서 두 번째 모퉁이에서 좌회전이죠. 왼쪽에 있고요.

M : 그렇습니다.

W : 대단히 감사합니다.

M : ★말씀을.



W : Excuse me.

M : Yes?

W : Could you tell me how to get to The Jean & June Hotel?

M : Let me see... Go down two blocks, and turn right. Then, go down King Street, and take the second left. It's on the left, next to The Home Plus.

W : So, I go down two blocks, turn right, go down King Street, and then take the second left. It's on the left.

M : That's right.

W : Thank you very much.

M : You're very welcome.





여행영어 40.mp3