A : I'm sorry, but your baggage is over the weight limit.
K : Is it? Then, what do I do?
A : You can either pay for the excess weight or you can put some of your belongings into another bag as a carry-on.
K : How much would it be if I were to pay?
A : It would be $100.
K : All right. Let me pay the $100.
A : I'm sorry, but your baggage is over the weight limit.
K : Is it? Then, what do I do?
A : You can either pay for the excess weight or you can put some of your belongings into another bag as a carry-on.
▶ Is it (over the weight limit)?
▶ What do I do? = What should I do?
▶ either A or B : A거나 B거나 둘 중 어느 하나
▶ exceed [iksí:d] (vt) 넘다, 초과하다
I exceeded the speed limit. "속도 제한을 어겼다."
Your bags exceed the weight limit. "손님 가방은 중량 초과입니다."
▶ excess [ékses] (n) 초과
▶ belóngings (pl) 소유물, 소지품 ⇒ personal belongings 개인 소지품
A : 죄송하지만 손님 짐은 중량 초과입니다. ⇒ 직역 : 당신의 짐은 무게 한도를 넘어섰습니다.
K : 그래요? 그럼 어떻게 해야 하죠?
A : 초과(된) 무게에 대해서 지불을 하시거나 기내 반입 수하물(carry-on)과 같은 다른 가방에 물건을 좀 넣으시면 되죠.
K : How much would it be if I were to pay?
A : It would be $100.
K : All right. Let me pay the $100.
▶ If were to do[원형동사] - 보통 <실현성이 없는 가정> : .... 한다고 하면
If I were to live again, I would like to be a musician. ⇒ If를 생략하면 : Were I to live again,
"다시 산다면 음악가가 되고 싶다."
▶ It would be $100. = It will be $100. = It is $100. "100달러입니다." ⇒ 상대방이 전혀 알지 못하는 것을 알려줄 때 조동사 will을 사용할 수 있습니다. would는 will의 과거형이기도 하지만 대용으로도 사용됩니다.
K : 돈을 낸다면 얼마나 되죠?
A : 100달러 되겠습니다.
K : 좋습니다. 100달러를 내도록 하죠. (⇒ 부자군요. ^____^)
A : I'm sorry, but your baggage is over the weight limit.
K : Is it? Then, what do I do?
A : You can either pay for the excess weight or you can put some of your belongings into another bag as a carry-on.
K : How much would it be if I were to pay?
A : It would be $100.
K : All right. Let me pay the $100.
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